School Committee Election 2019

Basic Stats

Election Date: November 15, 2019
Counted Dates: November 15, 2019
Total: 19425
Quota: 2776

All Candidates

  • Allen, Ruth Ryan
  • Bowman, Manikka L.
  • Dawson, Bernette J.
  • Dexter, Emily
  • Fantini, Alfred B.
  • Kadete, Elechi M.
  • Lim, Christopher
  • Rojas Villarreal, Jose Luis
  • Weinstein, David J.
  • Weinstein, Rachel B.
  • Wilson, Ayesha


  1. Bowman, Manikka L.
  2. Dexter, Emily
  3. Fantini, Alfred B.
  4. Wilson, Ayesha
  5. Weinstein, Rachel B.
  6. Rojas Villarreal, Jose Luis

Voting Rounds


  • Round 1: Bowman, Manikka L. elected. Excesss 333 votes transfered.
  • Round 2: Dexter, Emily and Fantini, Alfred B. elected. Excesss 341 votes transfered.
  • Round 3: Wilson, Ayesha elected. Excesss 20 votes transfered.
  • Round 4: Write-In 02 and Write-In 03 eliminated with 3 votes transfered.
  • Round 5: Write-In 01 eliminated with 50 votes transfered.
  • Round 6: Kadete, Elechi M. eliminated with 869 votes transfered.
  • Round 7: Allen, Ruth Ryan eliminated with 956 votes transfered.
  • Round 8: Lim, Christopher eliminated with 1177 votes transfered.
  • Round 9: Weinstein, Rachel B. elected. Excesss 28 votes transfered. Weinstein, David J. eliminated with 1369 votes transfered.
  • Round 10: Rojas Villarreal, Jose Luis elected. All others defeated.

Full Image

Candidate Round1 Count Round2 Transfer Round2 Count Round3 Transfer Round3 Count Round4 Transfer Round4 Count Round5 Transfer Round5 Count Round6 Transfer Round6 Count Round7 Transfer Round7 Count Round8 Transfer Round8 Count Round9 Transfer Round9 Count Round10 Transfer Round10 Count
Allen, Ruth Ryan 893 8 901 14 915 1 916 2 918 38 956 -956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bowman, Manikka L. 3,109 -333 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776
Dawson, Bernette J. 977 34 1,011 21 1,032 1 1,033 0 1,033 57 1,090 133 1,223 163 1,386 300 1,686 -1,686 0
Dexter, Emily 3,003 0 3,003 -227 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776
Fantini, Alfred B. 2,662 114 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776
Kadete, Elechi M. 815 20 835 32 867 0 867 2 869 -869 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lim, Christopher 934 16 950 29 979 0 979 2 981 95 1,076 101 1,177 -1,177 0 0 0 0 0
Rojas Villarreal, Jose Luis 1,134 26 1,160 40 1,200 0 1,200 2 1,202 203 1,405 61 1,466 262 1,728 340 2,068 620 2,688
Weinstein, David J. 975 19 994 23 1,017 0 1,017 1 1,018 112 1,130 84 1,214 155 1,369 -1,369 0 0 0
Weinstein, Rachel B. 2,178 32 2,210 48 2,258 0 2,258 3 2,261 101 2,362 174 2,536 212 2,748 28 2,776 0 2,776
Wilson, Ayesha 2,692 64 2,756 20 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776 0 2,776
Write-In 01 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 -50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-In 02 2 0 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-In 03 1 0 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 19,425

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All charts and tables on this page are original creations. However, they were inspired by the work of others. The Sankey chart was inspired by u/Kiptoke. The line chart was inspired by u/aray25.