School Committee Election 2015

Basic Stats

Election Date: November 13, 2015
Counted Dates: November 13, 2015
Total: 16797
Quota: 2400

All Candidates

  • Bowman, Manikka L.
  • Cisternino, Pia
  • Cronin, Fran Albin
  • Crutchfield, Jake W.
  • Dexter, Emily R.
  • Fantini, Alfred B.
  • Harding, Jr., Richard
  • Kadete, Elechi M.
  • Kelly, Kathleen M.
  • Nolan, Patricia M.
  • Weinstein, David J.


  1. Nolan, Patricia M.
  2. Fantini, Alfred B.
  3. Harding, Jr., Richard
  4. Kelly, Kathleen M.
  5. Bowman, Manikka L.
  6. Dexter, Emily R.

Voting Rounds


  • Round 1: Nolan, Patricia M. elected. Excesss 606 votes transfered.
  • Round 2: Fantini, Alfred B. elected. Excesss 321 votes transfered.
  • Round 3: Distribute votes from previous round
  • Round 4: Write-In 2 eliminated with 1 votes transfered.
  • Round 5: Write-In 1 eliminated with 63 votes transfered.
  • Round 6: Kadete, Elechi M. eliminated with 446 votes transfered.
  • Round 7: Cisternino, Pia eliminated with 774 votes transfered.
  • Round 8: Harding, Jr., Richard elected. Excesss 75 votes transfered. Weinstein, David J. eliminated with 849 votes transfered.
  • Round 9: Kelly, Kathleen M. elected. Excesss 206 votes transfered. Crutchfield, Jake W. eliminated with 1515 votes transfered.
  • Round 10: Bowman, Manikka L. and Dexter, Emily R. elected. All others defeated.

Full Image

Candidate Round1 Count Round2 Transfer Round2 Count Round3 Transfer Round3 Count Round4 Transfer Round4 Count Round5 Transfer Round5 Count Round6 Transfer Round6 Count Round7 Transfer Round7 Count Round8 Transfer Round8 Count Round9 Transfer Round9 Count Round10 Transfer Round10 Count
Bowman, Manikka L. 1,488 53 1,541 21 1,562 0 1,562 2 1,564 55 1,619 121 1,740 169 1,909 259 2,168 232 2,400
Cisternino, Pia 657 61 718 24 742 0 742 1 743 31 774 -774 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cronin, Fran Albin 1,418 92 1,510 38 1,548 0 1,548 4 1,552 33 1,585 100 1,685 80 1,765 129 1,894 -1,894 0
Crutchfield, Jake W. 1,221 30 1,251 10 1,261 0 1,261 1 1,262 45 1,307 104 1,411 104 1,515 -1,515 0 0 0
Dexter, Emily R. 1,402 79 1,481 15 1,496 0 1,496 3 1,499 41 1,540 123 1,663 93 1,756 271 2,027 373 2,400
Fantini, Alfred B. 2,721 0 2,721 -321 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400
Harding, Jr., Richard 1,989 67 2,056 125 2,181 0 2,181 4 2,185 78 2,263 62 2,325 75 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400
Kadete, Elechi M. 427 13 440 5 445 0 445 1 446 -446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kelly, Kathleen M. 1,710 170 1,880 66 1,946 0 1,946 6 1,952 49 2,001 83 2,084 110 2,194 206 2,400 0 2,400
Nolan, Patricia M. 3,006 -606 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400 0 2,400
Weinstein, David J. 696 39 735 17 752 0 752 1 753 40 793 56 849 -849 0 0 0 0 0
Write-In 1 61 2 63 0 63 0 63 -63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-In 2 1 0 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 16,797

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All charts and tables on this page are original creations. However, they were inspired by the work of others. The Sankey chart was inspired by u/Kiptoke. The line chart was inspired by u/aray25.