School Committee Election 2013

Basic Stats

Election Date: November 15, 2013
Counted Dates: November 15, 2013
Total: 16592
Quota: 2371

All Candidates

  • Cronin, Fran Albin
  • Fantini, Alfred B.
  • Gerber, Joyce C.
  • Harding, Jr., Richard
  • Holland, John J.
  • Kadete, Elechi M.
  • Kelly, Kathleen M.
  • Nolan, Patricia M.
  • Osborne, Mervan F.


  1. Nolan, Patricia M.
  2. Fantini, Alfred B.
  3. Harding, Jr., Richard
  4. Kelly, Kathleen M.
  5. Cronin, Fran Albin
  6. Osborne, Mervan F.

Voting Rounds


  • Round 1: Nolan, Patricia M. elected. Excesss 1550 votes transfered.
  • Round 2: Fantini, Alfred B., Harding, Jr., Richard and Kelly, Kathleen M. elected. Excesss 769 votes transfered.
  • Round 3: Distribute votes from previous round
  • Round 4: Write-In 2 and Write-In 6 eliminated with 2 votes transfered.
  • Round 5: Write-In 1 eliminated with 81 votes transfered.
  • Round 6: Kadete, Elechi M. eliminated with 615 votes transfered.
  • Round 7: Cronin, Fran Albin elected. Excesss 61 votes transfered. Holland, John J. eliminated with 859 votes transfered.
  • Round 8: Osborne, Mervan F. elected. All others defeated.

Full Image

Candidate Round1 Count Round2 Transfer Round2 Count Round3 Transfer Round3 Count Round4 Transfer Round4 Count Round5 Transfer Round5 Count Round6 Transfer Round6 Count Round7 Transfer Round7 Count Round8 Transfer Round8 Count
Cronin, Fran Albin 1,832 272 2,104 91 2,195 0 2,195 7 2,202 108 2,310 61 2,371 0 2,371
Fantini, Alfred B. 2,859 0 2,859 -488 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371
Gerber, Joyce C. 1,126 308 1,434 79 1,513 0 1,513 3 1,516 79 1,595 206 1,801 -1,801 0
Harding, Jr., Richard 2,359 12 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371
Holland, John J. 589 91 680 118 798 0 798 2 800 59 859 -859 0 0 0
Kadete, Elechi M. 494 88 582 31 613 0 613 2 615 -615 0 0 0 0 0
Kelly, Kathleen M. 2,102 269 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371
Nolan, Patricia M. 3,921 -1,550 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371 0 2,371
Osborne, Mervan F. 1,238 501 1,739 167 1,906 0 1,906 4 1,910 155 2,065 133 2,198 173 2,371
Write-In 1 71 8 79 2 81 0 81 -81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-In 2 0 1 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-In 6 1 0 1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 16,592

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