City Council Election 2011

Basic Stats

Election Date: 11/8/2011
Counted Dates: 11/8/2011
Total: 15845
Quota: 1585

All Candidates

  • Cheung, Leland
  • Decker, Marjorie c.
  • Devls, Henrietta
  • Kelley, Craig A.
  • Maher, David P.
  • Mello, Gary W.
  • Merquardt, Charles J.
  • Moree, Gregg J.
  • Nelson, Matthew P.
  • Pascual, Jamake
  • Reeves, Kenneth E.
  • Seldel, Sam
  • Simmons, E. Denise
  • Stohlman, Thomas J. Jr.
  • Toomey, Timothy J., Jr.
  • Ward, Larry W.
  • Wllliamson, James M.
  • vanBauzekom, Minka Y.


  1. Cheung, Leland
  2. Toomey, Timothy J.,Jr.
  3. Maher, David
  4. Davis, Henrietta
  5. Simmons, E. Denise
  6. Kelly, Craig A.
  7. Decker, Majorie C.
  8. vanBeuzekom, Minka Y.
  9. Reeves, Kenneth E.

Voting Rounds


  • Round 1: Cheung, Leland elected. Excesss 432 votes transfered.
  • Round 2: Toomey, Timothy J., Jr. elected. Excesss 120 votes transfered.
  • Round 3: Maher, David P. elected. Excesss 101 votes transfered.
  • Round 4: Distribute votes from previous round
  • Round 5: WRITTEN-IN P1 and Write-In Other eliminated with 24 votes transfered.
  • Round 6: Moree, Gregg J. eliminated with 62 votes transfered.
  • Round 7: Pascual, Jamake eliminated with 67 votes transfered.
  • Round 8: Mello, Gary W. eliminated with 154 votes transfered.
  • Round 9: Devls, Henrietta elected. Excesss 19 votes transfered. Wllliamson, James M. eliminated with 196 votes transfered.
  • Round 10: Stohlman, Thomas J. Jr. eliminated with 411 votes transfered.
  • Round 11: Merquardt, Charles J. eliminated with 588 votes transfered.
  • Round 12: Nelson, Matthew P. eliminated with 679 votes transfered.
  • Round 13: Kelley, Craig A. and Simmons, E. Denise elected. Excesss 249 votes transfered. Seldel, Sam eliminated with 1040 votes transfered.
  • Round 14: Decker, Marjorie c., Reeves, Kenneth E. and vanBauzekom, Minka Y. elected. All others defeated.

Full Image

Candidate Round1 Count Round2 Transfer Round2 Count Round3 Transfer Round3 Count Round4 Transfer Round4 Count Round5 Transfer Round5 Count Round6 Transfer Round6 Count Round7 Transfer Round7 Count Round8 Transfer Round8 Count Round9 Transfer Round9 Count Round10 Transfer Round10 Count Round11 Transfer Round11 Count Round12 Transfer Round12 Count Round13 Transfer Round13 Count Round14 Transfer Round14 Count
Cheung, Leland 2,017 -432 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585
Decker, Marjorie c. 1,123 47 1,170 14 1,184 26 1,210 1 1,211 2 1,213 2 1,215 9 1,224 12 1,236 39 1,275 35 1,310 79 1,389 190 1,579 6 1,585
Devls, Henrietta 1,436 91 1,527 16 1,543 12 1,555 1 1,556 2 1,558 2 1,560 6 1,566 19 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585
Kelley, Craig A. 1,098 51 1,149 9 1,158 10 1,168 1 1,169 3 1,172 6 1,178 8 1,186 10 1,196 53 1,249 139 1,388 45 1,433 152 1,585 0 1,585
Maher, David P. 1,686 0 1,686 0 1,686 -101 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585
Mello, Gary W. 135 4 139 2 141 1 142 0 142 6 148 6 154 -154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Merquardt, Charles J. 501 19 520 8 528 3 531 1 532 4 536 3 539 16 555 8 563 25 588 -588 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Moree, Gregg J. 56 2 58 3 61 1 62 0 62 -62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nelson, Matthew P. 542 12 554 10 564 2 566 1 567 4 571 4 575 10 585 11 596 18 614 65 679 -679 0 0 0 0 0
Pascual, Jamake 63 1 64 0 64 2 66 0 66 1 67 -67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reeves, Kenneth E. 1,013 28 1,041 13 1,054 6 1,060 1 1,061 4 1,065 4 1,069 12 1,081 9 1,090 17 1,107 25 1,132 54 1,186 102 1,288 297 1,585
Seldel, Sam 788 48 836 5 841 8 849 0 849 3 852 1 853 2 855 12 867 52 919 37 956 84 1,040 -1,040 0 0 0
Simmons, E. Denise 1,266 37 1,303 21 1,324 11 1,335 0 1,335 5 1,340 5 1,345 9 1,354 17 1,371 24 1,395 24 1,419 69 1,488 97 1,585 0 1,585
Stohlman, Thomas J. Jr. 344 16 360 2 362 3 365 1 366 3 369 10 379 12 391 20 411 -411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toomey, Timothy J., Jr. 1,705 0 1,705 -120 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585 0 1,585
WRITTEN-IN P1 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 -15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ward, Larry W. 835 19 854 12 866 11 877 0 877 1 878 5 883 13 896 25 921 26 947 53 1,000 123 1,123 106 1,229 -1,229 0
Wllliamson, James M. 175 1 176 3 179 1 180 1 181 2 183 6 189 7 196 -196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
vanBauzekom, Minka Y. 1,038 56 1,094 2 1,096 4 1,100 1 1,101 5 1,106 2 1,108 17 1,125 30 1,155 95 1,250 65 1,315 97 1,412 163 1,575 10 1,585
Write-In Other 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 -9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 15,845

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All charts and tables on this page are original creations. However, they were inspired by the work of others. The Sankey chart was inspired by u/Kiptoke. The line chart was inspired by u/aray25.