City Council Election 2001

Basic Stats

Election Date: 11/6/2001
Counted Dates: 11/6/2001
Total: 17126
Quota: 1713

All Candidates

  • Condit. James E., III
  • Davis, Henrietta
  • Decker, Marjorie C.
  • Dixon, Vincent Lawreno
  • Galluccio, Anthony D.
  • Hall, Robert L.
  • Horowitz, Jacob
  • Iskovitz, Steve
  • Jens, Steven E.
  • King, Ethridge A.
  • Maher, David P.
  • Murphy, Brian
  • Peixoto, Helder
  • Pitkin, John
  • Reeves, Kenneth E
  • Simmons, Denise
  • Sullivan, Michael A.
  • Toomey, Timothy J., Jr.
  • Williamson, James M.


  1. Galluccio, Anthony D.
  2. Murphy, Brian
  3. Davis, Henrietta
  4. Sullivan, Michael A.
  5. Decker, Marjorie C.
  6. Simmons, Denise
  7. Toomey, Timothy J., Jr.
  8. Maher, David P.
  9. Reeves, Kenneth E

Voting Rounds


  • Round 1: Galluccio, Anthony D. elected. Excesss 1517 votes transfered.
  • Round 2: Davis, Henrietta, Murphy, Brian and Sullivan, Michael A. elected. Excesss 401 votes transfered.
  • Round 3: Distribute votes from previous round
  • Round 4: Write-In P1 and Write-In Other eliminated with 31 votes transfered.
  • Round 5: Williamson, James M. eliminated with 62 votes transfered.
  • Round 6: Condit. James E., III eliminated with 74 votes transfered.
  • Round 7: Peixoto, Helder eliminated with 95 votes transfered.
  • Round 8: Dixon, Vincent Lawreno eliminated with 121 votes transfered.
  • Round 9: Decker, Marjorie C. elected. Excesss 10 votes transfered. Horowitz, Jacob eliminated with 184 votes transfered.
  • Round 10: Hall, Robert L. eliminated with 206 votes transfered.
  • Round 11: Jens, Steven E. eliminated with 335 votes transfered.
  • Round 12: Iskovitz, Steve eliminated with 456 votes transfered.
  • Round 13: Simmons, Denise and Toomey, Timothy J., Jr. elected. Excesss 48 votes transfered. King, Ethridge A. eliminated with 587 votes transfered.
  • Round 14: Maher, David P. and Reeves, Kenneth E elected. All others defeated.

Full Image

Candidate Round1 Count Round2 Transfer Round2 Count Round3 Transfer Round3 Count Round4 Transfer Round4 Count Round5 Transfer Round5 Count Round6 Transfer Round6 Count Round7 Transfer Round7 Count Round8 Transfer Round8 Count Round9 Transfer Round9 Count Round10 Transfer Round10 Count Round11 Transfer Round11 Count Round12 Transfer Round12 Count Round13 Transfer Round13 Count Round14 Transfer Round14 Count
Condit. James E., III 63 5 68 0 68 0 68 6 74 -74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Davis, Henrietta 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713
Decker, Marjorie C. 1,540 121 1,661 1 1,662 4 1,666 8 1,674 10 1,684 7 1,691 12 1,703 10 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713
Dixon, Vincent Lawreno 92 10 102 0 102 1 103 3 106 12 118 3 121 -121 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Galluccio, Anthony D. 3,230 -1,517 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713
Hall, Robert L. 153 27 180 0 180 0 180 2 182 3 185 2 187 15 202 4 206 -206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Horowitz, Jacob 155 13 168 1 169 2 171 3 174 4 178 2 180 4 184 -184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Iskovitz, Steve 345 8 353 0 353 3 356 9 365 4 369 3 372 10 382 35 417 25 442 14 456 -456 0 0 0 0 0
Jens, Steven E. 278 15 293 0 293 1 294 1 295 11 306 1 307 14 321 6 327 8 335 -335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
King, Ethridge A. 378 35 413 0 413 0 413 2 415 1 416 3 419 6 425 47 472 10 482 28 510 77 587 -587 0 0 0
Maher, David P. 1,017 379 1,396 0 1,396 0 1,396 2 1,398 5 1,403 8 1,411 5 1,416 6 1,422 25 1,447 70 1,517 16 1,533 90 1,623 90 1,713
Murphy, Brian 1,716 0 1,716 -3 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713
Peixoto, Helder 69 21 90 0 90 0 90 1 91 4 95 -95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pitkin, John 1,091 48 1,139 0 1,139 1 1,140 6 1,146 1 1,147 5 1,152 16 1,168 24 1,192 11 1,203 25 1,228 88 1,316 160 1,476 -1,476 0
Reeves, Kenneth E 1,141 163 1,304 1 1,305 4 1,309 3 1,312 2 1,314 12 1,326 6 1,332 9 1,341 19 1,360 24 1,384 31 1,415 120 1,535 178 1,713
Simmons, Denise 1,339 85 1,424 0 1,424 0 1,424 7 1,431 5 1,436 5 1,441 7 1,448 20 1,468 67 1,535 18 1,553 140 1,693 20 1,713 0 1,713
Sullivan, Michael A. 1,315 398 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713 0 1,713
Toomey, Timothy J., Jr. 1,402 185 1,587 0 1,587 1 1,588 2 1,590 2 1,592 17 1,609 7 1,616 4 1,620 8 1,628 37 1,665 20 1,685 28 1,713 0 1,713
Williamson, James M. 58 4 62 0 62 0 62 -62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-In P1 29 0 29 0 29 -29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-In Other 2 0 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 17,126

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All charts and tables on this page are original creations. However, they were inspired by the work of others. The Sankey chart was inspired by u/Kiptoke. The line chart was inspired by u/aray25.